Emerging – almost – on the other side of one of the hardest tests to human strength that we’ve had to endure, I’m struck now by just how positive we all became. Health and exercise became a focus, we found creative ways to keep in touch with friends, decluttered our homes and discovered cooking skills worthy of a Michelin Star. We needed to feel good about ourselves when the world around us seemed anything but.

It made me wonder – why do we find it so difficult to channel the positive energy we found during the pandemic when it comes to decisions, difficult situations or just making some changes in our everyday lives?

I decided to delve a little further into how I could harness this positivity – beyond the yoga and meditation I already use to just pause and create a calm space for myself – and have discovered a relatively new technique called Manifestation that seems to be sweeping the wellness industry. Put very simply – it’s about getting what you want, and that if you truly believe it can happen, by harnessing positive universal energy, you can make it happen and manifest whatever it is that you want to achieve.

Essentially, Manifestation works on the principle that our thoughts dictate our energy, our energy manifests our actions, and our actions create the reality. In other words, similar to the philosophy of the Law of Attraction, positive thoughts create positive results, negative thoughts create negative results. The technique of Manifestation goes further and lies in recognising what we want and who we want to be, removing negative thought and doubt by believing that this is possible and, in doing so, creating an energy in unison with universal energy to bring about positive change in our lives.

The pure techniques of Manifestation are in depth and explore the profound spiritual potential of the mind and soul, but if we look at it here simply as a basic guideline to accomplish our goals, it seems that there are three main principles – Intention, Energy and Action – and to me this is the perfect starting point to positive thinking and change.


Your intention is what you want to create as your reality, so you need to ascertain the objective you want to manifest and truly believe that this is possible. It can be anything – small or broad – but with the focus on how you can feel better and not solely on what you can get to feel better.


Believe that your intention is possible. Identifying doubt and working to dispel the disbelief that limits your trust in achieving these goals is important because this only creates negative energy. Positive thoughts inform our energy, so channel this into truly visualising exactly what it is you want to achieve, how this would make you feel and what you need to do to make these changes.


In the clear space of positive energy you have tapped into, maintaining your faith and actively committing your attention to what it is that you want to achieve, what needs to shift and the steps you need to take to get there, will pave the way for recognising the actions you need to take and keep you focused to make those changes.

This is a very simplistic overview of what this emerging technique of wellbeing and mindfulness means, but I find the notion of Manifestation so intriguing. The world of achievement seems to be so much more competitive now – particularly for women – so it’s small wonder that self-doubt starts to creep in! Anything that can take positive thinking to a higher level and expand my ability to accomplish has to be worth exploring in my view.


Grace Fodor – PRO AGE warrior, Beauty Expert & Founder of Studio10
. Passionate about challenging outdated stereotypes, anti-ageing and ageism to celebrate age. Providing education on how to apply makeup for older women.

1 comment

Thanks for writing this Grace, loved reading it and believe in everything you say! It’s the way we try and live everyday – if you think positively and truly believe – good things happen! ❤️🤞👏🏻

Katy & GIllian September 15, 2020

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